Queen of Peace Parish is Now Live-Streaming Our Liturgies
Queen of Peace Announcements

Join us once again while we serve up a hearty Bowl of Soup, bread, drink and warm conversation during Lent.
All are being served on Fridays Nights from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. in Lynaugh Hall. The cost is $5 for an individual & $20 for
families. Extra helpings included for both.
Donations of Bread and Desserts are always gratefully accepted. Donations can be dropped off in Lynaugh Hall on Friday mornings.
We are always looking for additional soup chefs. If you can commit to making soup for one or more of our Friday Night Lenten Soups please call Don Miller @ 215-886-8650
Sweet Sympathy
Sign Up This Weekend for our newest Parish Ministry
Sign Up For Flocknote
Stay in touch with our parish! Sign up with Flocknote to receive text messages and emails directly from Queen of Peace Parish to keep you informed. Updates, event notifications, check-ins, prayer requests, and more. Right now would be a great time to sign up!
In need of Spiritual Nourishment?
Check Out FORMED
FORMED is an online streaming program (similar to Netflix) which you can access all sorts of faith formation videos, programs, books, movies, and podcasts from the safety and security of your home. Every Queen of Peace parishioner has 24/7 access to the best Catholic content on any device with internet access. It truly is the Catholic faith—on demand.
To get FORMED, visit www.formed.org and enter our parish access code, 6DVGDP. You will then be directed to a setup a user account with a username and password. Once you’ve done that, you’re all set and can get free access to all the content on FORMED anytime, anywhere. Take advantage of the excellent resources available during the Lenten season. God Bless!
March 2, 2025
Well, February flew by… I can not believe next week starts Lent! I am excited to be here at Queen of Peace for my first Lenten Season and Holy Week. Lent is always a moving time in our church as well as an amazing opportunity to welcome back many who have been away from The Church. Ash Wednesday is the third most attended day in The Church’s Liturgical Year.
This year I tried to add some extra moments to receive ashes so that we can accommodate everyone’s busy schedules. Ashes will be available on March 5th beginning at 6:30 in the morning… all the way to 9:00 at night. I think this will help to bring many more people to begin their Lent in a powerful way.
Along with Ash Wednesday, I would encourage you to take a reflection book home with you. These prayer books are for you to have something to grow your hearts over the next 40 days of Lent. I also encourage you to check out the Lenten schedule and try to participate in the many special parish moments we will have throughout this sacred season.
+Fr. Jim
Help Revive Philadelphia Cursillo!
The Philadelphia Cursillo is taking steps to revive itself. If you experienced a Cursillo weekend in another (arch)diocese and if you are interested in connecting with Cursillo again, please contact Fr. Bill Waters, OSA at h2ososa@aol.com.
The Cursillo in Christianity, is a movement of the Catholic Church whose mission is to spread the message of the Gospel. We are members of Philadelphia Archdiocese parishes who have attended a Cursillo weekend and are fulfilling a promise to be in a lifelong commitment of piety, study and action in our Catholic faith.
Queen of Peace has an Online Giving program available to our parishioners. We have arranged with Vanco Services to provide our members an opportunity to use Electronic Funds Transfer as an alternative method for giving. The Program is free of charge for parishioners. By making your offering through our Online Giving program it allows you to donate once or make a recurring contribution that is automatically transferred from your checking or savings account on a monthly basis, and you select your own billing date. This is an easy way to make your Sunday contributions without worrying about your collection envelope. The use of EFT is not only time saving and convenient for you, but also allows our Parish to realize a more consistent level of support. By signing up for the Online Giving program, you will know that you are doing your part to support the Parish even at times you are not able to physically present to celebrate with the Parish Community. To sign-up simply CLICK HERE.
Of course, if you prefer, your collection envelope is still a great way to support Queen of Peace Parish. Simply drop it in the collection basket on Sunday or you may mail it to the Rectory: 820 North Hills Avenue, Ardsley, PA 19038.
Thank you for your generous support
Safe Environment Program
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is taking action to keep children safe. Archdiocesan policy states that all Church volunteers and paid employees must possess clearances as required by Pennsylvania law and to complete mandatory training . Queen of Peace is dedicated to the mission of protecting children. If you work or volunteer within the parish, please follow the link to the Office for Child and Youth Protection where you will find additional information and instructions for obtaining clearances and registering for training. Please contact our Safe Environment Coordinator, Lorraine Pfeiffer, at qofpservices@comcast.net for further assistance.